Auction explanation
Here you will find all lots that will be auctioned live. Would you like to bid? Please make sure that you (1) have an account with us (register) and (2) are logged in.
Bidding is possible from the moment a lot is published online (usually 4 weeks prior to the live auction) until the moment the lot goes under the hammer in the live auction* - from that moment on you can only bid live. Please note: in the period prior to the live auction you will receive an email if you are outbid, but not during the live auction!
The dates and start times of the live auction can be found on this page under 'Auction days' and on page 5 of the printed catalogue. Make sure you are logged in on time if you want to bid live, the live auction can go very fast. In your account, you can create a list of favourite lot numbers to follow. You do so by logging in and clicking on the heart icon at the top left of the image of a lot. You can then find your list of favourites by clicking the 'My account' button at the top right of the screen; you now see your dashboard, with under the heading 'Buy' the 'Favourites' button.
*Explanation bid forms
If you place a regular bid in the period prior to the live auction, this exact bid will be placed immediately. When you place an 'autobid', you indicate the maximum amount you are willing to pay. The system will then automatically increase your bid (if necessary), but only when you are outbid by someone else and only up to the maximum amount you specified.